Galette Complète

Galette Complete
Galette Complete

A galette complète is just a galette (a crêpe made with buckwheat flour) complete with the three usual fillings: cheese, ham, and egg. It’s always dangerous to trust that a crêperie will get the proportions or the kinds of these fillings right. For example, they almost always use cooked deli ham when thinly sliced cured ham just hits that perfect note. Or they use Emmenthal, which has almost no taste, instead of Comté. They usually get the egg right, so we can’t improve there. Our version also adds ‘Garlic & Fine Herbs’ Boursin to the Comté which makes it taste awesome.

Galette Complète

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Serves: 5 Prep Time: Cooking Time:


  • For the Batter:
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups (250g) buckwheat flour
  • 2 cups (500g) water
  • pinch of salt
  • For the Filling:
  • 5 eggs (1 per galette)
  • 1 2/3 oz (50g) Garlic & Fine Herbs Boursin (1/3oz (10g) per galette)
  • 3 1/3 oz (100g) Comté or Gruyere (2/3oz (20g) per galette)
  • 10 thin slices of cured ham, preferably smoked like Speck Alto Adige (2 per galette)


  1. Blend the batter ingredients together in a blender until smooth.
  2. Fry the eggs sunny-side-up. Set aside.
  3. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat, and butter it. When it is hot, pour about 1/2 cup (150g) of batter into the pan and immediately pick up the pan and swirl it slowly to coat the entire bottom with batter.
  4. Sprinkle with 2/3oz (20g) of Comté and 1/3oz (10g) of Boursin.
  5. Put the egg on top, making sure to center the yolk in the galette.
  6. After the galette has been cooking for about 5 minutes, the edges will be dry and crispy enough to easily come off the pan. At this point, fold the edges in to the center, so that it touches but doesn’t cover the egg yolk.
  7. Take off the heat and place the 2 slices of ham on top.
  8. Serve hot! If you are making more than two, you should put the completed ones in a warm but not hot oven until ready to serve.


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