For Garlic Lovers: Sauteed Garlic Scapes!

For Garlic Lovers: Sauteed Garlic Scapes!
For Garlic Lovers: Sauteed Garlic Scapes!

For Garlic Lovers: Sauteed Garlic Scapes!

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  • 2 Cups of Garlic Scapes
  • 1/3 Cup of Spring Onion (Scallion) Stalk
  • 2 Tablespoons of Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon of Sesame Seeds


  1. Cut the garlic scapes into roughly 1/2″ pieces.
  2. Dice the spring onion into small thin circles.
  3. Put a large frying pan on high heat.
  4. Add oil and add spring onions into frying pan.
  5. Once spring onions begin to sizzle, add garlic scapes.
  6. Then add flavored soy sauce.
  7. Gently stir the garlic scapes in the frying pan until all of the liquid has evaporated in the pan.
  8. Garnish with sesame seeds.


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